Monday, June 23, 2008


Saturday, June 07, 2008

Sex and the City

Inspired by Carrie Bradshaw, I decided to write this entry in English.
It's 3 am in the morning and I seldom sleep this late. After watching the movie, different thoughts came into my mind.
Carrie, as one of the many women in the States, head to NYC to find the TWO Ls: Label and Love. It sounds like the kind of life that I would be longing for. Watching Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte wearing beautiful outfits and nice and extravagant shoes, walking along the 5th Ave, I started to wonder how it will be like if I become one of them, and, if I become one of them, who will I be? I'm looking for perfect love, perfect family like Charlotte, I wanna be an attorney like Miranda, I am losing myself like Samantha, and, I guess I'm more like Carrie, who is also looking for our Mr Big(s), who love to write, and, who love to shop and need a dozen of huge closets.
Lately, I've been very intimidated by the fact that I'm hitting 30. It seems that, after the past 7 years in my 20s, I still haven't accepted the fact that, I am not young anymore! I am actually very frustrated about this, especially when I am looking at my old photos, even though I know I'm no Michelle Reis. Besides several dozens pair of shoes, a dozen and bags and dresses, what else do I have? I actually thought I know exactly how Carrie feels when people told her "you can be stylish in your 40s but not in a wedding gown!" and I, felt like "the last single woman in NYC".
I can't remember since when did I start falling for SNTC. The four of them already feel like friends to me. Watching them argue, hang out, fight for each other, stand by each other whenever they are needed, I can't help wonder: where can this kind of friendship be found? How long does it take for the selfless love to established? I understand, the latter is a question that I have to ask myself first.
Even though I always watch movies by myself, I'm really glad that I have someone to go with tonight, or else, I'm abso-fXXking-lutely sure, it would be very gloomy...a bad way to end my crappy day.

Friday, June 06, 2008


有沒有試過,看一些舊相片的時候會哭? 我記得,十多年前,我看著小時候跟哥哥一起拍的照片,我突然掉淚,問媽媽為甚麼那個時候會笑的那麼開心。那種感慨,我解釋不了。

Thursday, June 05, 2008



到現在為止,那個to-do list,我做了兩樣,就是開始煲台劇,還有去理髮。

頭髮好像從來只有長變短還是短變長,大部份人都喜歡留著一樣的髮型。我不敢說自己很百變,可是在法庭(記者)界的時候,我曾被視為最多變髮的一個。由初入大學的負離子,到year 2的耳後短髮;由初當記者的長直髮,到半年後的胡杏兒bob 頭;由入蘋果時的短留海,到後來的斜留海、m字留海、長曲髮,一直到離開時的graduation bob,而這次,我選擇「玩電掣」,燙了一頭短曲髮。

第一天上班,同事說我很wild,我說:明天我就會轉look. 第二天,我走cute路線,上司說以為多了一個新同事。今天,另一位同事說:嘩乜你今日咁lolita??然後,不停聽到她們在研究, 她們可不可以也去燙髮呢?我想,這次的效果也還算不錯吧哈哈!

放了兩個星期的長假期,一回到公司,受到熱烈歡迎,我感到好窩心,竟然有人跟我說:細win, 你返嚟就好啦!!!在這邊工作了十個月了,最初真的難以適應。沒想過,我能夠跟這裡的同事做朋友。沒想過,我會在這裡有專屬的稱呼。我在這裡,又叫細win, 又叫大寶,都讓我感到好親切。


Sunday, June 01, 2008


其實這個假期,算起來,如果最後考試能夠合格,我也算過得蠻豐富的。去過了sogo, 一田百貨的大減價,掃了很多貨,還有出海讀書啦,還有,昨晚的林海峰。
昨天晚上,書只諗到一半都沒有,其實都不太想去。可是,對於contract這一科,問題已經不是出在時間上了,所以,我還是去了hehe =) 還蠻精彩的呢,尤其是講潮人購物狂的一段,真的有令我好好深思....